
Showing posts from December, 2021

Books for younger readers

  Books for younger readers   There's a story in this book fore very day of Advent.  You can start them on the 1 December and you'll finish them  just in time for Chrsitmas if you read one a day. There are stories about dragons, horses and other animals. There are stories about angels.  There are stories about people. There are even a couple of stories which tell us how the world became the way it is -  perhaps. How better to spend this cold and dark time of the year than snuggling down in Front of the fire with a good book. (Lower primary) View on Amazon Click on picture to view on Amazon  Devils, demons, werewolves and other creatures of the night don’t have to be scary. In fact, at times they can be downright funny. They have their fair share of the type of problems we humans have – pesky monthly cycles, others out to get them, a lack of what they need and a surfeit of what they don’t want. They’re not i...

Short Stuff by Jim bates

      This is a short sharp collection of well-told stories by Jim Bates who once again brings us some evocative writing with a strong literary voice. We meet a plethora of characters, each with their own concerns and triumphs. They face life’s challenges and often have to turn situations around. Will they succeed? Will they make life good again? In this collections of flash fiction, Jim Bates packs a lot of story into a few words. RRP: £6.00 Buy from Amazon  Buy from The Hive (UK )  Buy from Barnes and Noble (US) Buy from us (1-4 books)   Buy from us (5+ books)

Books for our very young readers

      See in our bookshop A playful monkey takes a boy's hat but drops it into a river full of crocodiles. The boy offers to accompany the monkey to find another hat. The quest turns into an adventure in which they cross forests, climb mountains, visit the moon, pass through the village of cats and meet fantastic creatures. The Lost Hat tells us, above all, about the values ​​of friendship and effort. But it also enhances the love of nature and the discovery of the diversity that travel offers. See in our book shop  Wilma’s efforts often end in disaster. Her spells come out all wrong. The other witches laugh at her. She has to watch them performing fantastic tricks. However, one spell that goes wrong has surprising consequences and Wilma gains a valuable ally. Philippa Rae's delightful children's story is enriched by a series of colourful illustrations by artist Ashleigh James. What happens when the Queen visits Zedgate Zoo? Well she meets a lot o...

Wishful Thinking

    A collection of stories in which justice is not always done but leaves room for some wishful thinking. Relationships break down ad are sometime saved by money. Snowdrops bring precious memories. Brothers in a religious order have to find a way through some difficult decisions. RRP £7.00 Buy from Amazon  Buy from The Hive (UK)   Buy from Barnes and Noble  (US) Buy from us (1-4 books)   Buy from us (5+ books)     An amazing collection of short stories, with a novella called 'Glady's Time' thrown in too. In the collection there are tales to make you stop and think. 'Doubt' is one such tale tells the story of six friars. Derek has a wonderful way with words in this story. I look forward to reading more of his work.      ISBN: 9781907335983  

Offers on our young adult books

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