
Showing posts from March, 2024

The Story Weaver by Sally Zigmond

  Story–telling has often been associated with weaving and spinning. All is craft, cleverness and magic. Here indeed we have a colourful mix of beautifully crafted stories. Some are sad and others bring us hope. There are tensions in relationships, fear of the unknown coupled with surprising empathy, and accidents of birth. Death wishes are reversed, sometimes but not always, and so are lives in other realties. People’s stories intersect as they wait for a bus. An old cello causes havoc. A church clock always strikes twice… or does it? Match-making goes wrong until it goes right. And so much more. Sally Zigmond brings an evocative literary voice to tales in The Story Weaver . RRP £8.00   Buy from Amazon   Note, this is an affiliate link and a small portion of what you pay may go to Bridge House publishing.    Buy from The Hive (UK)  Buy from Barnes and Noble   Buy from Booktopia (Australia)  Buy from us (up to 4 books) Buy from us (5+ books)

Offers on our YA books:

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Offers on our little flash fiction collections

Small chunks of life, perfectly wrapped and waiting for you to open! Stories told in 70 -1000 words. Award-winning and short-listed pieces of prose sit alongside newer thoughtfully crafted short glimpses of human nature and 21st century life. You are invited to pause for a moment and reflect on the writer’s suggestions. They are sure to uplift and inspire you. Soaring is one of our Little Square Books, all collections of flash fiction. Nicole Fitton really does offer us bite-sized chunks of life here. See in our bookshop Donna and Jim struggle with an unspeakable act. Millicent encounters something that will change her forever, and Marie dreams of being free from her harrowing life. Melvin’s pelvic thrusts have his clients in a sweat, and Sister Francis, the bike-riding nun, has her secret revealed. Will the poem Are They Your Red Shoes make you cry? And how will I Was You Once resonate with you? The City of Stories is a collection of short, easy-read stories and poems that you c

Offers on our Best of CafeLit Books

Each story in these little volumes is the right length and quality for enjoying as you sip the assigned drink in your favourite Creative Café. You need never feel alone again in a café. So what's the mood today? Espresso? Earl Grey tea? Hot chocolate with marshmallows? You'll find most drinks in our drinks index. Note, these are affiliate links and a small portion of what you pay may go to Bridge House publishing.   Find on Amazon    Find on Amazon Find on Amazon Find on Amazon   Find on Amazon Find on Amazon Find on Amazon  Find on Amazon  Find on Amazon Find on Amazon  Find on Amazon  Find on Amazon


A continuing response by writers to the Covid19 pandemic in 2020 and during the ongoing aftershocks in 2021. This collection is of work by writers we have published before and whom we trust, and their trusted colleagues. When disasters strike writers respond and react in words. They share with us their hopes and fears. They describe and rationalise.  Like its companion book this volume contains pieces of fiction, flash fiction, script, poetry, memoir and some texts which cannot easily be categorised.               There is a loose chronology here – the texts are listed by the order in which they were written and / or by the times to which they refer. There are messages of hope, cries of despair and acts of kindness. This hardback book is above all a glimpse, a snapshot of some astonishing human history.      Aftermath is the second book in a series of creative responses to the 2020 pandemic and its aftermath.     RRP £13.00  Buy from Amazon Buy from The Hive (UK) Buy from Barne