
Book bundle: The Best of CafeLit 11, 12 & 13 for £15.00

  This year we asked our editors to select their favourite stories in a particular month. Each editor has made a short introduction to the stories they have selected. We’ve aimed for a balance of shorter and longer stories, and of amusing and thought-provoking stories. We hope you will enjoy them as much as we did. Each story in this little volume is the right length and quality for enjoying as you sip the assigned drink in your favourite Creative Café. You need never feel alone again in a café. So what's the mood today? Espresso? Earl Grey tea? Hot chocolate with marshmallows? You'll find most drinks in our drinks index. Plus The Best of CafeLit 12 and The Best of CafeLit 13  for £15.00    

Book bundle: buy these three books for £20.00

  A collection of eccentric and quirky tales.     Atheism is more of a fad for Mimsie rather than part of a belief system.   Is Emily Mayhew’s real motivation about buying a house or are her wants and needs a little more complex to say the least? Home under the hammer take on a new twist as people come to delight in the perhaps gruesome   fate of   the former residents of the properties on offer. Mysterious Ways is a single author collection from Bridge House Publishing. Jeff Laurent s is an enthralling story-teller who invites us to look again at what we thought was normal.       Seventeen short stories by Debz Hobbs-Wyatt from over a decade of competition wins and shortlistings. Featuring Learning to Fly , winner of the inaugural Bath Short Story Award; Chutney , shortlisted in the Commonwealth Short Story Prize, and Pushcart-nominated The Theory of Circles . Meet a mixture of beguiling narrators, from seven-year-old Leon...

Book bundle: buy these three books for £20.00, free shipping

  You will find in this collection a mixture of themes and genres. There are brushes with the supernatural, an exploration of human emotions, history, love and loss, and also a firm sense of time and place. Jeanne Davies thinks up her stories whilst walking for miles in the countryside with her Labrador companion at her side. Wandering along the seashore with the serenity and chaos of the ocean inspires and gives her peace.   A collection of eccentric and quirky tales.     Atheism is more of a fad for Mimsie rather than part of a belief system.   Is Emily Mayhew’s real motivation about buying a house or are her wants and needs a little more complex to say the least? Home under the hammer take on a new twist as people come to delight in the perhaps gruesome   fate of   the former residents of the properties on offer. Mysterious Ways is a single author collection from Bridge House Publishing. Jeff Laurent s is an enthralling story-teller who ...

Between Worlds by S. Nadja Zajdman

  We all inhabit multiple worlds and the real person lives in the liminal space between them. In this fascinating collection of vignettes and creative memoir, we are invited to explore several constructs of the times and places defined by the narrator, and also envisaged by those around her. These accounts have appeared in other publications, but gathered here the whole becomes greater than its parts and tells a larger story. S. Nadja Zajdman brings her rich and unique voice to this story: Between Worlds . RRP 9.00  Kindle £2.30 Find on Amazon  Note, this is an affiliate link and a small portion of what you pay, at no extra cost to you,   may go to Bridge House Publishing.   Buy from Waterstones (UK)     Buy from Barnes and Noble (US)  Buy from Booktopia (Australia) Buy from us (1-4 books)        Buy from us 5 + books     This particular collection of Ms. Zajdman's is by far the ...

Book bundle: Buy these three annual anthologies for £20.00

  Oh, be careful what you wish for. One person’s good news might be someone else’s bad news. And if you do get what you wished for you might not be getting what you need. Or, if you’re slightly more fortunate, you may no longer have anything to grumble about. These stories challenge the notion of what is good news and yet leave us still a little optimistic. An amazing group of writers set the record straight in Bridge House’s anthology Good News….?     What does it mean to be gifted? Is this to do with a present being wrapped up and handed to another?   Does one person sacrifice something to help someone else? Or is to do with having a certain talent? Is that gift always welcome? Does the protagonist make the most of what has been gifted to them?   All of those scenarios exist in these stories and there are other interpretations as well of the theme “gifted”. Gifted is Bridge House’s 2023 anthology which includes stories by both some of the gifte...

Once We Were Heroes by Henry Lewi

  Where do the gods of Olympus do their shopping? Do the Old Gods live amongst us, and if so where? And which jobs do they do? Where do the Old Gods shop, or do they do it online? Which football clubs do they support? When Angels are sent down to Earth, how do they get home? How did Vampires cope with Lockdown during the pandemic? And finally, are Extra-Terrestrials dangerous, or do they just want to speak to us? RRP paperback £8.00  Kindle £2.30     Buy from Amazon    Note, this is an affiliate link and a small portion of what you pay, at no extra cost to you,   may go to Bridge House Publishing.   Buy from Waterstones (UK) Buy from Barnes and Noble (US)  Buy from Booktopia (Australia)     Buy from us (1- books)        Buy from us (5 + books)   

Natascha's Story by Gill and Ashleigh James

  Natascha is forever falling off the piano and getting sucked up by the vacuum cleaner. Natascha is the smallest of a set of Russian dolls and envies her bigger sisters as they have more detail on them. The family acquire a new vacuum cleaner and this time it takes Natascha to another world where she has an amazing adventure.   But is it all a dream and related to the story the mummy is reading to young Alfred? Up to you to decide in Natascha’s intriguing story told by Gill and Ashleigh James.             RRP  £7.00 Buy from Amazon    Note, this is an affiliate link and a small portion of what you pay, at no extra cost to you,   may go to Bridge House Publishing Buy from Blackwells (UK)   Buy from Barnes and Noble US   Buy from Booktopia   Buy from us (1-4 books)         Buy from us (5+ books)