Our very special books
This delightful English language anthology of literary fiction comprises the winning entries for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 Waterloo Festival Writing Competitions. The themes were, respectively, To Be... To Become, Transforming Being and Transforming Communities. We chose these because they tell a good story, have a strong voice, and are imaginative in their interpretation of the theme. The writers present us with characters that are believable and rounded. Buy on Amazon A response by writers to the Covid19 pandemic in 2020, this collection is of work by writers we have published before and whom we trust, and their trusted colleagues. When disasters strike writers respond and react in words. They share with us their hopes and fears. They describe and rationalise. This volume contains pieces of fiction, flash fiction, script, poetry, memoir and some texts which cannot easily be categorised. Buy from Amazon Transforming Communities is the theme of the 2020 Waerloo Festival Writing Co