Soaring by Nicole Fitton
Small chunks of life, perfectly wrapped and waiting for you to open! Stories told in 70 -1000 words. Award-winning and short-listed pieces of prose sit alongside newer thoughtfully crafted short glimpses of human nature and 21st century life. You are invited to pause for a moment and reflect on the writer’s suggestions. They are sure to uplift and inspire you. Soaring is one of our Little Square Books, all collections of flash fiction. Nicole Fitton really does offer us bite-sized chunks of life here. RRP 7.00 Buy from Amazon Buy from The Hive (UK) Buy from Barnes and Noble (US) Buy from Booktopia (Australia) Buy from us (1-4 books) Buy from us (5+ books) This is a gorgeous collection of poignant and touching short stories and flash fiction. The author's imagination soars, almost like the title of the book, transporting the reader to places of enchantment, b...