
Showing posts from July, 2020

Just out: Days Pass Like Shadows

We are pleased to present our latest single author collection.  Click on he image to see it on Amazon. We have published several of Paula's stories over the years and we are now delighted to have brought out this new collection.  Within the pages of "Days Pass like a Shadow" are thirteen dark tales covering the theme of death and loss. At the centre of every story is a beating heart. For the reader to make the journey to that centre, along the flowing veins of the words, all they need is a few minutes during a lunch break, or at the end of the day. The reader will be introduced to a rich and diverse collection of characters – a gardener, a serial killer, a time traveller, a sleepwalker and many more. "On the Streets of Kabul", which is set in Afghanistan, a soldier faces a life-threatening situation while searching for his missing comrade and childhood friend among the narrow alleys. "Perfect Justice" finds a secretary planning a ...