
Showing posts from February, 2022


  What if? All good stories and novels begin very simply when the author asks the question, “What if…?” In the fourteen stories in Speculations the author offers each solution while leaving it up to you to figure out the “what if…?” question that each tale alludes to. Each story is an intriguing journey into the realms of imagination, fantasy and the incredible. Some of the places you will be taken in this book include the inner mind of a creature that remains on Earth long after the human race has been eliminated; a world that exports a tasty treat that originates in a quite unsavory place; and an all-knowing, all powerful alien machine which can do literally anything at all. You will be enthralled, delighted, shocked and amazed as you read the stories in this anthology. It is a fascinating journey quite worth taking. All you need to do is open your mind and enjoy the ride. Welcome to S peculations !    Buy from Amazon Buy from the Hive (UK) Buy from Barnes an...
    See on Amazon   There is one prompt a day for the whole of 2022. Some are short and pithy, others are inspired by obscure days e.g. 8 January English Toffee Day , and some go into more detail on an aspect of writing craft. There are series that go over a number of days. A few prompts are about works in progress and several give you the choice of working with a text you have already created, creating something new or even editing a completed piece of work. But every prompt gives you the opportunity to write something as well. These prompts were put together by writers published by the Bridge House, CaféLit and Chapeltown imprints, and their friends. Happy writing in 2022! See on Amazon   There is one prompt a day for the whole of 2021. Some are short and pithy, others are inspired by obscure days e.g. 8 January Bubble Bath Day, and some go into more detail on an aspect of writing craft. There are series that go over a number of days. A few prompts ar...

Some of our anthologies

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Our Christmas Anthologies

      Resolve is high. Determination rules OK. Human spirit excels.      This is a collection of challenging and thought-provoking stories. All stories need a resolution and these provide ones that will astound and delight you.  We looked for: story, good writing, interpretation of theme and professionalism.  All of the stories submitted had those elements. Here  we offer a variation to cater to our readers’ eclectic tastes. Sit back and surrender to the Bridge House magic  Resolutions is a themed multi-author collection from Bridge House Publishing.  See in our online bookshop: The Island of Mull, covered in mulls. To mull a drink. An important instrument for making a book. Plenty to mull over here. And plenty to make you think. As ever, the interpretation has been varied: the Island of Mull, thinking about things, often quite deeply, the odd ...