Our Christmas Anthologies



Resolve is high. Determination rules OK. Human spirit excels.     

This is a collection of challenging and thought-provoking stories. All stories need a resolution and these provide ones that will astound and delight you.  We looked for: story, good writing, interpretation of theme and professionalism.  All of the stories submitted had those elements. Here  we offer a variation to cater to our readers’ eclectic tastes. Sit back and surrender to the Bridge House magic 

Resolutions is a themed multi-author collection from Bridge House Publishing. 

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The Island of Mull, covered in mulls. To mull a drink. An important instrument for making a book. Plenty to mull over here. And plenty to make you think.

As ever, the interpretation has been varied: the Island of Mull, thinking about things, often quite deeply, the odd mulled drink and even something used in making a book - how appropriate again. You will find a variety of styles here and an intriguing mix of voices. There is humour and pathos, some hard-hitting tales and some feel-good accounts. All to be mulled over.

See in our online books shop: http://www.thebridgetowncafebooksshop.co.uk/2021/04/mulling-it-over.html

 Click on image to see offers.


Many of the stories in this collection take place at or near Christmas time. There are stories of new births, of rebirths, of new beginnings, and there are a couple that deal with the joys and sorrows of the annual Nativity Play. Again this year it was difficult to make the final choice. There are so many skilled writers out there. There was little wrong with any of the writing we read but in the end we went for the strongest stories and for those tales that best interpreted the theme. There are some familiar authors in this volume and also some new writers. We treasure them all.


Every year we pick a very vaguely Christmas-related theme for our annual anthology. Then we invite our writers to subvert it. In this collection, they’ve certainly done that to the extent that we almost had a picture of cream crackers for the cover. Our theme this year is “crackers”. So, we have Christmas crackers, cream crackers, cracking dresses, a cracked antique and many, many other interpretations. We hope you will find this a cracking good read. 


This glittery collection of glit-er-ary tales will add some sparkle to your life. You will meet all kinds of interesting characters facing all kinds of interesting dilemmas. You will learn that all that glitters is most certainly not gold. The stories are funny, sad, poignant… the glitter comes in shades of dark and light. But all will leave their sparkle in your imagination.


The challenge was to write a bauble of a story. So we have a varied selection of snippets that sparkle. Once again we feel privileged to publish this fine group of writers. Each story is different and glitters in its own way.


 Our theme for 2015 is snowflakes. Stories that contain snowflakes and that are like snowflakes. Unique and perfectly formed. As they melt into the psyche they bring a life-sustaining force. Snow can be beautiful and it can be treacherous. It can swing from one extreme to another in seconds. It is an important part of the nature cycle. Here you will find that our writers have risen to the challenge.


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