
This delightful English language anthology of literary fiction comprises the winning entries for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 Waterloo Festival Writing Competitions. The themes were, respectively, To Be... To Become, Transforming Being and Transforming Communities. We chose these because they tell a good story, have a strong voice, and are imaginative in their interpretation of the theme. The writers present us with characters that are believable and rounded. The stories all contain a pleasing narrative balance. Entrants were asked to produce a short story or a monologue in 1,000 words or fewer. Less is certainly more here. Style is diverse and each story is completely different from the others. RRP £9.00 Buy from Amazon (including Kindle) Buy from The Hive (UK) Buy from Barnes and Noble (US) Buy from us (1 -4 books) Buy from us (5+ books)