Featured Author Allison Symes - Offer week ending 18 January 2019

Allison Symes is published by Chapeltown Books, Cafelit, and Bridge House Publishing among others.  Her flash fiction collection, From Light to Dark and Back Again, was published in 2017.
She blogs for online magazine, Chandler’s Ford Today, often on writing themes.  See http://chandlersfordtoday.co.uk/author/allison-symes/
Her website is www.allisonsymescollectedworks.wordpress.com 

We have published Allison several times and are pleased to offer all six publications as mobi-files in one package for just £4.00. Note there is no Kindle version of Alternative Renditions

We are also offering two paperbacks, From Light to Dark and Back Again and Alternative Renditions for £7.00.

Details of all of these works are listed below with a link to buy them individually from Amazon if that is what you prefer. We have a couple of books on offer for free - for whoever gets there first.  Scroll down! 

This is a collection of my flash fiction pieces. The tones vary from humorous to dark and back again but all reflect my style of fiction. Some have appeared on CaféLit (http://cafelit.co.uk) and others on Shortbread Short Stories. The latter are some of the very first pieces I wrote years ago, CaféLit is more recent and other stories are brand new for this collection.
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 To Be… To Become is the theme of the 2018 Waterloo Festival Writing Competition. It is also the title of the e-book, which contains the sixteen winning entries. Some fantastic writing was offered and all of it was potentially publishable. We chose these because they told a good story, had a strong voice and were imaginative in their interpretation of the theme.

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 The challenge was to write a bauble of a story. So we have a varied selection of snippets that sparkle. Once again we feel privileged to publish this fine group of writers. Each story is different and glitters in its own way.

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Each story in this little volume is the right length and quality for enjoying as you sip the assigned drink in your favourite Creative Café. You need never feel alone again in a café. So what's the mood today? Espresso? Earl Grey tea? Hot chocolate with marshmallows? You'll find most drinks in our drinks index. 

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Each story in this little volume is the right length and quality for enjoying as you sip the assigned drink in your favourite Creative Café. You need never feel alone again in a café. So what’s the mood today? Espresso? Earl Grey tea? Hot chocolate with marshmallows? You’ll find most drinks in our drinks index.

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Each story in this little volume is the right length and quality for enjoying as you sip the assigned drink in your favourite Creative Café. You need never feel alone again in a café. So what’s the mood today? Espresso? Earl Grey tea? Hot chocolate with marshmallows? You’ll find most drinks in our drinks index.

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Most unexpected retellings of well-known fairy stories.

Buy from Amazon.  

Iron Press (a limerick as part of an anthology, Limerick Nation) - http://www.ironpress.co.uk/books/limerick.html

You can also read Allison's stories for free on CafeLit 
See them here


A Day Out
Moving On
Jack of All Trades
Dignity and Injustice
Leaving Home
The Balcony Seen
Time for a Change
Getting Lost
Time to be Off
The Recruit
Good to Go
Re-living the Past
The Terrified Dragon
The Guilty Secret
A Study in Magic
Losing Myself

Before you buy  

Allison has some giveaways:

She is giving away one  signed copy of From Light to Dark and Back Again, and one of  Alternative Renditions, Baubles, or of the Best of CafeLit books. First come, first  served and limited to one book per customer. Email me on editor at bridgehousepublishing dto co dot uk if you would like one of these books. Please provide your contact details and which book you would like, so that I can let Allison know.              


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