Offers on our little square books - collections of flash fiction
Donna and Jim struggle with an unspeakable act. Millicent encounters something that will change her forever, and Marie dreams of being free from her harrowing life. Melvin’s pelvic thrusts have his clients in a sweat, and Sister Francis, the bike-riding nun, has her secret revealed. Will the poem Are They Your Red Shoes make you cry? And how will I Was You Once resonate with you?
The City of Stories is a collection of short, easy-read stories and poems that you can slip into your bag or pocket. Read in the café, waiting room, or on a journey. Read with a cup of coffee, or maybe a tipple of your choice. Stories that range from dark tales with a twist, to funny flash fiction that will make you laugh out loud.
Author Lynn Clement takes us on a rollercoaster of emotions, showing us what goes on behind closed doors.
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After an eventful life with four husbands, consecutively, and many tears in Spain and France, Pam has returned to her Yorkshire roots where she lives with Blossom the dog.
Here the author give us glimpses into a life that starts with a idyllic childhood, puts her in touch with prestigious figures and less comfortable homes. There are sadnesses and triumphs. A life lived to the full emerges through a gentle but forthright prose. Does this present a story of survival? Are we given hope?
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This is a short sharp collection of well-told stories by Jim Bates who once again brings us some evocative writing with a strong literary voice. We meet a plethora of characters, each with their own concerns and triumphs. They face life’s challenges and often have to turn situations around. Will they succeed? Will they make life good again?
In this collections of flash fiction, Jim Bates packs a lot of story into a few words.
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Ricks Vick’s mantra was, “Let the pen do the writing.” He had a love of people that manifested itself on every level, from the encouragement of a shy, new poet at one of his workshops to his record-breaking seven appearances as a writer at the prestigious Stroud Short Stories.
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Allison Symes loves reading and writing quirky fiction. She discovered flash fiction thanks to a Cafélit challenge and has been hooked on the form ever since. In this follow-up to her "From Light to Dark and Back Again", Allison will take you back in time, into some truly criminal minds, into fantasy worlds, and show you how motherhood looks from the viewpoint of a dragon. Enjoy the journey! Buy from Amazon
The World In An Eye" is an eclectic collection. It ardently and boldly tackles issues that plague our societies. Presenting diverse flash fiction stories set in America, England, Germany, Italy and other places where poignancy, rawness and sensitivity are propelled to the foreground. This evocative compilation also thrusts taboo topics out from the fringes into the spotlight. Here, they explore and expose the lives of those not fed with golden spoons.
Buy from Amazon "Theme and Variations" is a collection of sixteen flash fiction stories with music – some of it harmonious, some discordant – running through them.
Although fictional, these stories also contain many elements of realism. After all, music will always be with, around or in you.
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In this collection of women's fiction, 140 stories, each 140 words long, each story was inspired by the first picture I saw when I opened my Twitter feed on that day. The dates are preserved and give an indication of how long it has taken to produce this and turn it into a book.
These stories are created to be varied, thought-provoking, laughter-producing and tear-jerking.
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Twenty-seven tales of betrayal and loss, of dreams and hopes, of lovers, liars and cheats. Stories with a strong sense of place, transporting us from the seashore to the city, from India's monsoon to the heat of Cuba, and from the supermarket aisle to a Catalonian fiesta. We meet a baby that never existed, a car called Marilyn, a one-eyed cat, and a boy whose kisses taste of dunked biscuits.
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Paisley Shirt is a fascinating collection of 27 stories that reveal the extraordinary nature of people and places. Through a variety of characters and voices, these stories lay bare the human experience and what it is like to live in our world.
The beautiful cover image is created by Robert Sheie. His web site:
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A collection of flash fiction, based on real life. Each piece has been inspired by something seen, heard or told about. Much of what you will read is based on reality and wherever the narrative has strayed from that, it has been in order to create a story or achieve an appropriate ending.
If you have time to read this volume from cover to cover, that’s fine. But if you’re limited to dipping, moments here and there to read just a few words, then equally, this slim volume is for you.
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‘Badlands’ is a collection of flash fiction pieces, from drabbles of 100 words to longer pieces up to 1000 words. Many have been published on line and in anthologies, and short-listed or been placed in competitions. They have all been written during the last three years, the oldest pair being ‘Chestnuts for my Sweet’ and ‘A Guy for the Children’, both written in the autumn.
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Somewhere between working twelve hour shifts at a tax firm and cramming for exams, these stories and poems tumbled onto torn sheets and paper napkins. Potpourri is an attempt at preventing the literary world slipping away and regaining a sliver of that bookish world.
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These stories were written one a day throughout January 2013. They were originally published on a blog called "Gill’s January Stones". In fact, they were published in reverse order. The first one you read here, "When Physics Got Sick", was the last one to be written and originally published on 31 January 2013.
Sometimes the stories would come right at the beginning of the day. Sometimes they would take a while longer.
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This is a collection of my flash fiction pieces. The tones vary from humorous to dark and back again but all reflect my style of fiction. Some have appeared on Cafélit ( and others on Shortbread Short Stories. The latter are some of the very first pieces I wrote years ago, Cafélit is more recent and other stories are brand new for this collection.
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