Between Worlds by S. Nadja Zajdman


We all inhabit multiple worlds and the real person lives in the liminal space between them.

In this fascinating collection of vignettes and creative memoir, we are invited to explore several constructs of the times and places defined by the narrator, and also envisaged by those around her. These accounts have appeared in other publications, but gathered here the whole becomes greater than its parts and tells a larger story.

S. Nadja Zajdman brings her rich and unique voice to this story: Between Worlds.

RRP 9.00 

Kindle £2.30

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This particular collection of Ms. Zajdman's is by far the most interesting, dynamic, illustrative, and emotive all at once. Each essay speaks volumes and is chalk full of descriptions so clear, that one can envision being directly in that particular setting. (this is one reason why I feel that one needs to pause between essays, and perhaps re-read sentences so as to "feel" what is being conveyed and to retain that emotion).

The special moments conveyed...the memories that each appear to illustrate are Ms. Zajdman's special and unique talent in allowing the reader to actually time travel to those special and specific instances and experience those moments as one reads the words expressed.

As Ms. Zajdman expresses in her introduction, these essays were written over a period of 20 years and express her talent of capturing her mother's spirit as well as her own extensive and discriminating and diverse ability to put thought onto the page.

This collection will not disappoint..! Bravo!


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